And the Oscar goes to… No one!

Mibe Ut Hertz
2 min readSep 2, 2020

As Sir Isaac Newton stated, things fall and the movie industry is no exception. I’ve had to induce incidents among my neighbors to watch them fight, as even that is more interesting than modern movies. So why is it that instead of eating popcorn whilst watching a movie, I’d rather choke on the popcorn to get out of watching it?

Lights, camera, MONEY!

Movie making is no longer in the category of art, it is now in the category of economics. It seems like JJ Abrams wants me sit back, relax, and enjoy the film… just so he can pickpocket me. Yes, these directors are in it for the money, not for the movie. They is like twitch streamers except they are not yelling at you for money. I wouldn’t blame them! Disney made a few billion from their newest films, despite 90% of them making me want to barf into the popcorn bag. (Which I’m perfectly willing to do) It is the greed of people? No, its the corporate greed. Movie making used to be more individual where you’d focus on the actors instead of the franchise, but now… STAR WARS MERCHANDISE, GET YOUR STAR WARS THEMED DAY-QUILL, STAR WARS THEMED COFFIN, and A CHEWBACCA INSPIRED FUR COAT. Disney has taken franchises which they did not even create and taking their fame to make so much money that Jeff Bezos would be surprised.


When I turn on Sesame Street I expect Elmo, but I am greeted by Sesame Meat: The Cooking Channel for Vegans. Maybe when I’m captivated in a movie, out of nowhere some guy yells “IM GAY” and kisses Thanos right on the **************************. He really should have gone for the head. I want good movies, not inspirational political agenda movies.

These are good actors (Its opposite day)

I want actors! I want to feel the scene! If there’s a scene of constipation, I want to feel myself on the edge of my seat in suspense! Nowadays they are hiring these Craigslist celebrities who no one cares about. Germany lost WWII, but they won the movie industry with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Get some more juggernaut German guys like him. Also, more big chungus actors!

-Mibe Ut Hertz



Mibe Ut Hertz

FBI head of telemarketing. No need to wear a nametag, I already know your name. I don’t “meet in the middle” unless that means six feet apart.